
Wednesday 9 June 2021

Reciprocal Reading Groups

Room 9 is continuing to work well with their new Reciprocal reading tasks, focused around T shaped Literacy practises. Our groups are currently working on identifying why certain groups of people would go to war. This group worked really well to identify why children would fight for Nazi Germany during WW2.

Monday 17 May 2021

Lets blow stuff up! in the name of Maths

 For our rocket launch today the rockets blasted off but did not go very far, as they spun around in random directions. The wind was very high today.

The launch went really well, the rockets didn’t fail to launch and there were no issues with the equipment.

What I noticed is that the rockets did not fly straight up. This could be due to the angle of the launcher not being perfectly straight. I also think that the wings played a role in how the rocket moved through the air. I think I could improve this by changing the wings and making sure they are more solid and aligned correctly.

My next steps are to work on my wing designs to make it more stable and I want to also add a lid because this will hopefully help with the Aerodynamics. I will probably use Youtube to do a bit of research on what makes a good rocket wing.

Here is my first wing design where you can see my calculations.

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Looking into our Past Present and future

 Room 1 has been working hard looking at our History and how our future might look. We started a collaborative research document to collate all our research. We have explored what our area and the wider Auckland area looked like over 100 years ago and what it might look like in the future. Especially with all our housing developments taking place.